Thursday 2 December 2021


 This blog called AMBER is about awakening the 'sleeping dragon' that lies dormant

within mankind's root chakra. To be able to recognise the depth of ignorance that covers

the eyes of humanity. Instead of being a three fold being as we all really our expressed

within the human vehicle. Which is that of being physical, mental, and spiritual being,

so very many of us are just being expressed within a two dimensional format of just being

physical and mental with the spiritual dimension almost in an atrophied state. Through not

being used or not even aware of its existence.

Mankind being expressed with a physical body format is just the last and densest expression

of its full emergence into relativity and motional expression. We are all expressed within 5

koshas or sheaths, each one ascending from the densest the physical body each ascending 

sheath is less dense than the previous one. We are all immortal souls encapsulated with a 

physical body, when we begin waking up to our true inner nature, we then begin to awaken

the "sleeping dragon" of wisdom that lies in our root chakra , this divine energy will ascend

like two coiled serpents up our spines and into the crown chakra. When that occurs we then

know fully who we really are, we become the awakened emergent  reality, and therefore see

the true nature of soul and spirit. Which is that of inclusive love and total acceptance.

To fully know yourself is our Divine Destiny  dear reader of this blog, why not start today 

and begin your glorious  journey and bold adventure into full self knowing?????

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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