Sunday 8 December 2019

Incarnation Manifests Polarity Localising You.-I M P L Y .

The implication and reason for our incarnations here upon this Earth plane are hidden
and vouchsafed within our inner being, and are located by our various experiences here
on Earth, in particular those experiences that bring us much pain and suffering, and deep
levels of emotional and mental turmoil.
These kinds of experiences cause us to think carefully about our lives. and inquire if there
is any real purpose to it all? The other way of locating the reason why we are all here on
Earth, is to go within yourself by taking up the practice of yoga or meditation.
The basic reason for our incarnations here is to learn and comprehend the nature of our
inner-true being, and also recognise that our physical body is not who you really are.
It can and does take many many life times here on Earth before we are prepared to accept
this truth of our physical bodies being just vehicles for a higher life form , that of your inner
spirit and soul.
The planet Earth is really that of being a school, where we all come and learn our lessons
and just like the education system we have created  as human beings, which consists of
primary school for infants, secondary school for teenagers,college, and finally university
incarnations here on Earth reflect this same principle of understanding and comprehension
some of us human beings, are fairly new here, and are therefore in the infants class, and so
on until we reach the final lessons at university, by the time we arrive here we will have
begun developing and deepening our consciousness levels of awareness and perception.
We will have had flashes of intuition and insight that will imply very implicitly that there
is far more to us human beings that we had ever realised before beginning to awake as
though from a very deep slumber.
The very process of incarnation localises and focuses a point of self aware consciousness
which we call our "I AM"consciousness, consciousness is an absolute composite wholeness
that transcends this physical relative universe,yet "WE" by incarnating into physical vehicles
and acquire a "I AM" localised consciousness field,capture this universal field of consciousness
and localise it by calling ourselves "I AM" John Smith or Jane Summers.
In part two,will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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