Sunday 15 December 2019

Self Is Soul truthfully Expressing Relativity-S I S T E R Part Two.

"We" have all been on a journey that spans a distance far back in time,that it is beyond the
comprehension of the mortal mind to conceive. Way back before this solar system was even
born, way back before the Milky Way galaxy was even born,long before any of that occurred
"we"were already "on the move" and have been moving ever since.We have "all" been in the
core of a Super Nova as it exploded into infinity in all directions, we have then settled and
condensed again. This motion eventually carried our energy signature to this place in time
and space, which we know of as that of the Earth."We" then made the long journey of
ascension from the mono- cellular blogs of jelly until we finally reached a point where we
emerged out of the ageless slumber of billions of years unto a point of SELF recognition
where we awoke,where we came ON-LINE, where we became "I AM" consciousness, I
AM that I AM AM I! UNBEKNOWN to mankind at that time of awakening, that this,
Today millions of years after that first ALMIGHTY CRY of "I AM HERE! And I know that
I am here.How far have we ventured from that point of emergence long ago? How many of you reading this blog realise exactly WHO YOU ARE? When we say the words "I AM" do we fully
understand who this "I AM"CHARACTER you are referring to? Most of us would say that
this is ME! Who then is this thing called ME? Manifested Energy=ME? Which is what we all
are manifested biological energy vehicle, that acts as a host for the force of life which is that of
the SELF, which is the Absolute having a Relative experience, and using a vehicle called the
soul to localise a point of Absoluteness into a localised point of relativity. This is further
localised by the formation of a physical biological body, which then provides a location for
the soul to download its consciousness and energy into.
The SELF is being expressed within our souls,and our souls animate and indwell within the
physical vehicle, this forms a trinity of expression which simply put is higher SELF (absolute)
SOUL (relative) Lower self (relative) This is a very simple illustration of a more complex
system.We all our eternal beings, GOD incarnate, having a relative experience. Let us hope that
all our coming experiences will lead us all out of the shadow of ignorance, and into the sunlight
of spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

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