Tuesday 10 December 2019

Shadowed Consciousness Enfolds Negative Energy. S C E N E .

Physics uses the concept of negative energy to explain the nature of certain fields including
the gravitational field and various quantum field effects. This blog today is about what I
believe that what science calls dark matter or dark energy , really is that of what I see as
"shadowed consciousness"or even unrealised consciousness,the actual "shadow" is really
 our ignorance and lack of understanding of what consciousness actually is. Consciousness
is the "LIFE PRINCIPLE" (another name for the ABSOLUTE/GOD) being expressed
within a motioning relative duality based presentation (showcase) in order for motion to
move  the stillness(Absolute unexpressed Life) of the ALL . into many expressions which
we now call evolution.
Some in the scientific field think that dark matter is a "gravitational shadow" of a parallel
universe,it just well might be that as well!
We often fail to fully realise that we all live and move within this "field of life"consciousness,
dark matter,dark energy, flows through your body every micro-second of everyday, we are all
totally and absolutely submerged within an infinite field of consciousness,it exists within us.
There is no such a place in existence as being "out there" this whole universe is ONE COMPOSITE WHOLE. Every atom,every particle,every wave,every motion,is wholly
and absolutely fully and totally connected and interconnected, there is not ONE ISOLATED
particle,beam, ray, energy, being,life force,anywhere in existence, anywhere within this
universe.There is NO THING anywhere that is EXCLUDED from being within the WHOLE.
If we fully understood and accepted this reality, for reality it truly is, then so much more
knowledge and wisdom would naturally arise within us.
The parallel of a seed needing to be placed into the darkness of the earth, in order to sprout
and grow, is also replicated within humanity, for us as human beings, we need to look into
the darkness of our selves in order to find that inner light of the spirit.and therefore out of
our animal nature, and into a more refined and less gross being, by going within ourselves
and gradually revealing and throwing light on the shadow of form (physical vehicle) to reveal
the higher self dwelling within. Dark matter, dark energy,is the undiscovered consciousness
that lies within every human being, throw light onto that darkness, and the shadow will vanish
as though it had never existed at all?
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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