Saturday 28 December 2019

Coming Home Our Inner Consciousness Enfolded. C H O I C E .

There is a saying that says "yer pays your money, and you take's your choice" we are all
surrounded by multiple choices every day of our lives here on Earth. Some choices are
almost automatic like having your regular breakfast, or lunch/dinner etc, then there are
choices about what we do,think, and fill our day,each choice we make brings with it the
following consequences of those choices, some of those choices will be seen as negative
and others will be seen as positive, so over time and by trial and error we hopefully begin
to accumulate a modicum of wisdom and insight, and therefore begin to hone our choices
in such a way that they are far more positive and much less negative.
The ultimate choice I suppose we can all make is to whether we decide to live or die,what will
we decide? That question is not so easy to answer as one may think.There are those who are
in the grip of various addictive illnesses can without their full knowing of the outcomes of their
actions, and therefore consequently fail to recognize that their actions are in a fact those of what
could be termed as "suicide by installments"
Coming home is about us choosing to look within ourselves and discover the infinite depths
of consciousness that lie within us all.
We are all totally enfolded within an infinite ocean of Absolute consciousness, that can only
be contacted by our inward looking, it cannot be found "out there" because in truth no such a
"place as OUT THERE EXISTS" .Because we all our in ESSENCE absolute spirit/LIFE
and having a relative experience here on Earth, and because we only are aware of our physical
body vehicle which is relative in nature, we fail to see or even begin to comprehend the bigger
picture of our inner divine immortal reality.We therefore only see what "SEEMS" to be real
which to us is the physical world and universe, but this "reality" is a facade it seems solid and
substantial, but this is an illusion, a quicksand that will swallow you up if you tread too far
upon it.
We are all journeying home,life by life, experience by experience, each day we are all one foot
closer to that realization of our true and lasting identity.
In part Two will explore this further.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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