Friday 6 December 2019

Control Head Acquisition Of Signal. C H A O S .

All expressed life within this universe pulsates to the sound of 'living motion' which is the
primal sound of all motion universally,which is that of the AUM or OM, that sound that
reverberates within all life, and that indeed includes all of us human beings.
To become fully alive and expressing this life force to its full potential, we need to tune into
and get what those astronauts got when they emerged from behind the dark side of the moon.
When they emerged they got A O S  which stands for acquisition Of signal, in other words
back in contact with their Earth base.
Well we as human beings are in a way similar to those astronauts in that we all need to be in
position to be able to establish acquisition of signal, that signal that will put us in contact with
our deep spiritual inheritance that lies behind the veil and facade of form, we call the physical
body, or vehicle of expression in physical space.
The primal OM sound is that frequency that has the infinite power of activating the full
awakening sequence, that will finally transform, and transfigure the base material human
animal form, into that of a spiritually awakened fully aware soul realised and SELF realised
BEING of deep inner radiance.
We are similar to that of an iceberg in the way that an iceberg only shows one third of itself
which floats on top of the water, we as human beings are very similar in that way, more so
in fact, because around ninety seven per cent of us is submerged, with only about three per
cent visible, which is our physical body.Ninety seven per cent of our full potential is totally
unknown and invisible to the vast majority of mankind.
Mankind has basically,fundamentally,and factually, "lost contact with BASE" and that is why
we are all in a MESS globally, with the raping of the planets resources for bloated profiteering
wars and carnage, millions dying of hunger and thirst, while in western countries we are being
ravaged by obesity and diabetes and cancer and heart disease.Our home base, has become self
absorbed selfishness, mesmerising smart phones and gadgets, the world is sinking into the sewer
of gross materialism, "going to hell" and trying to get as many likes as you can get  on social
media, before you are terminated in mid flow.
In part two will go into the journey back to home base.       Warmest regards Michael. feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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