Wednesday 11 December 2019

Shadowed Consciousness Enfolds Negative Energy.-S C E N E Part Two.

According to science 85% of the mass of the universe is made up of a material that scientists
cannot directly observe, known as 'dark matter' dark matter does not emit light or energy.
To me dark matter or dark energy are both the same thing, and that is a form of consciousness
as yet unknown to science, a form of consciousness that is ever so slightly "out of phase" with
our known space time continuum, and thereby almost rendered invisible, except by its presence
made known by its gravitational effects and the inference drawn from that implication.
Because we so often fail to see the intimate connections that are universally presented to us
"if we had but eyes to see" we would realise that each human being in particular utters an
astonishing clue to the secret of life and reality, every time they introduce themselves to
another with those two PRIMAL-INFINITE WORDS, that of "I AM" These two words
were the words that MOSES was instructed to say, if he was asked "WHO SENT YOU" I AM
sent you.Does this not give you a inkling of whom YOU REALLY ARE THEN?? What is that
other saying,"there is none so blind, as those who do not see"We are all totally submerged in
the reality of I AM consciousness, yet we fail to join the dots together and thereby reveal our
true and lasting IDENTITY, do you not want to know who you really are dear reader of this
The negative energy that enfolds mankind, this dark matter, this dark energy, is in truth
nothing more or nothing less, that our ignorance of our infinite eternal real and ever lasting
identity.We are using less than two percent of our consciousness and perception fields of
awareness,98% asleep, two percent awake.The ancient writing cast in stone at the temple
of Apollo in Delphi said MAN KNOW THYSELF, that was written centuries ago, but
never is it as relevant as it is today, where we are destroying our planet and each other by
wars of greed and lust for power.If we all knew who we really are, then this planet would
be turned into a new EDEN, where peace and love and acceptance reigned supreme,
instead of hatred and suspicion.
To be able to contact this higher level of consciousness,that is slightly out of phase of our
space time continuum, is just to go within yourself, to look inwards, within each one of us lies
a place that is fully outside of the physical relative perceived continuum of "OUTER SPACE
by going within yourself, you are ENTERING-INNER-SPACE? The home of where we all came
from long long ago.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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