Saturday 14 December 2019

Self Is Soul Truthfully Expressing Relativity. S I S T E R .

What "we" call Humanity or Mankind is in truth I feel that of the SELF, which is absolute
reality, the "SOLE  EXISTENCE" being expressed within a vehicle which "we" call
the soul, and that this being called the soul , is what we call the human being. What mankind
actually is,is that of the Absolute Being which is the "SOLE BEING in Existence" having a
relative experience here upon the Earth plane. The seven and a half billion souls on Earth will
"ALL"eventually ascend and dissolve back into that from whence "we" all came from,that is
of the Absolute Reality. "We" have all came from that place of eternal stillness, which is that
of Absolute reality, and have all been "motioned"out of that eternal silence of Absolute
Perfection by the INTENTFUL will to MOVE thought-wave of the Absolute. We then
entered into what was fast becoming relative time and space sequencing.
That which has been our home for aeons of elapsed time.Much of it experienced
unconsciously, and this remained so until we all reached a momentous point within our
evolutionary path of return,where we had gathered enough causal experiences, which then
ignited the Divine-Fire which purified the experiencer (us) enough to permit the universal
consciousness field to become localised within a point of SELF AWARE consciousness,
the dawning of the "I AM"consciousness field upon the Earth plane. This Ignition of the
Divine fire, which comes on-line when conditions arise within the life form to permit this
ignition to occur, is also called by the Hindu tradition as the fire God AGNI the Divine  Fire
It is interesting to note therefore that this Sanskrit word for fire which is AGNI is not that
far removed from the spelling in English of the word which sounds the same, that word is
AGONY/AGNI ? When we think that with the birth  of self consciousness, which also then
automatically gives birth to what we call our conscience, and the feelings of shame and
remorse that arise from our dealings with "others", then this divine fire which ignited our
self aware consciousness,also automatically beings in its train that of pain and suffering
various traumas, and the shedding of tears, this Earth plane has often been called "the vale
of tears", so along with the joy and happiness, there is also agony and pain.
In part two will explore this further.        warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

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