Saturday 21 December 2019

Ethereal Vibrancy Opens Living Vehicle Expression E V O L V E Part Two.

We as having ethereal vibrancy have all been journeying vast incomprehensible amounts
of time, until we reached that most vital part in our evolutionary arc of ascension that point
when we all basically came "on-LINE" and woke up from an unconscious slumber of
billions of years and suddenly "there we were" we uttered those two words that are the most
powerful two words in this universe, the two words that the Almighty Yahweh -God when he
spoke to MOSES at the burning bush story in the Bible, God said to Moses tell them that "I AM"
That I AM" sent you.
There two words are the first two words we uttered when we became Awakened and said "I AM"
aware,I am SELF-conscious, I know that I know,I can reflect on my knowing! When we say these
words of "I AM" consciousness' we are in fact saying the identical words that GOD said to
Moses thousands of years ago.
If we think this through thoroughly there is only really one conclusion you can draw, and that is
that we "all our" GOD-Absolute , having what could be called a relative experience here on Earth.
It is odd in a way, that years ago before I retired from work, I spent my last fifteen years working as
an assistant psychiatric nurse in a psychiatric clinic within a hospital for mental illness.In those years
working with patients that had mental health problems, there were some who thought that they were
God, and these poor souls were called schizophrenics , they were hearing voices, that said nasty things to them,I personally got on very well with these patients,and built up a close connection with
some, bless them all, if the voices you hear are negative then you are classed as mad, and called a
schizophrenic, if the voices you hear are positive, you are called clairaudient  and can charge
money for giving people messages from the dead,like Doris Collins did and wrote books on it.
The fact is that we are all GOD, the Absolute LIFE FORCE, in which we all live and move and
have our being within this LIFE FORCE.. That is what our "I AM Consciousness is all about,
yet how often if ever is this taught to us, no one in my school none of my teachers ever told me
that I was god, and they were too. Why are we not told this most BASIC FACT?? Any ideas 
anyone? "I AM" means just that, evolve into the FULL KNOWLEDGE of what I AM actually
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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