Monday 9 December 2019

Incarnation Manifests Polarity Localising You.-I M P L Y Part Two.

The universal field of consciousness becomes localised within an "I AM" field of self-aware
consciousness, and therefore becomes even more localised and personified into that of a single
entity (you and me dear reader) which has grown up into the belief that 'its' physical body is the
true identity of the person inside that physical body, which of course is entirely untrue.
Yet millions of us spend our entire physical life time here on Earth believing that totally
false assumption, and only realise the error of this false belief when they die(change venues)
and find that they are still very much alive, without their physical bodies, and find themselves
now living in their astral body.
Incarnating and taking on substance (physical body) is a process manifesting within the law
of  gradual ascension, which we call evolution, in the process of our evolution which has
spanned aeons of relative time, we have gone from ONE BEING ABSOLUTE in perpetual
stillness, to manifesting within perpetual motion and the illusion of becoming many, if
fact there are seven and a half billions units of localised energy (you and me dear reader)
here on Earth today, we have gone through formless and plasma stages, become stars, and
then grown into a super nova, and blasted into the vacuum of space.Gone from single
celled blogs of jelly, crawled and swam through the swamps of time, and finally emerged
as self conscious beings.The process of transvection the rising up, the levitation of animal
man into spiritual man. is where we all are now.
Our DNA our chromosomes are waking, the ascension sequence has been engaged and is
operating within millions of us today, our human ascension,our transvection into higher
levels of consciousness is happening right now today. Millions are waking up from their
aeonic slumber, and beginning to realise the true and eternal nature of all of humanity.
The IMPLICATION of YOU dear READER being incarnate here TODAY reading this
blog, is that YOU are HERE to FIND YOURSELF, not the ego mind, not the personality,
not the so called individualism, that we cling on to,but that eternal PRINCIPLE of LIFE that
YOU actually ARE.WE are ONE! That one is Absolute, having a relative experience here on
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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