Tuesday 24 December 2019

When-Humanity-Opens-Loves-Energy-Blessings-Emerge-Igniting-Numen Grace. W H O L E -B E I N G

This blog today and tomorrow is about us, humanity, as a Whole-Being - which is a reality that
will not come about and be realized for a long time yet.What we have today is an UN-WHOLE
being, a fragmented and disjointed humanity, that has lost its common bond of realized Divinity
The divine family of mankind is at war with itself, over religious differences,selfishness and
greed, lusts for sex and power,millions of dying souls who have no food or water, while we in
the west celebrate Christmas with a gluttonous amounts of food, and drinking alcohol like its
going out of fashion. Could a close family group eat and drink and be merry, while their
brothers and sisters were dying of starvation and thirst, or being shot at and killed in war torn
areas of the world? I think not! The reason it does happen is because we do not know or even
realize our intimate connection to each other, as part of one Divine FAMILY of what could be
UNITED-SOULS, but are instead disunited strangers who are separate and apart from each
So as this blog is occurring at Christmas time for some of us, just an ordinary day here in
Turkey where I am today, children  playing at school, the banks are open on Christmas day
here,I thought about looking at the nature of what it means to be a WHOLE-BEING. How
many of us reading this now has ever met a WHOLE-BEING? Have you dear reader of this
blog ever met a whole-being? Or are you actually one, and are reading this right now and
saying to yourself "yes that's me" I am a WHOLE-BEING!
Love is a magnetic energy that holds and binds this universe into one cohesive wholeness, we
are all the very embodiment of this Absolute Divine Principle, love is the energy that moves
us through the illusion of time and space, love moves us through our emotions and feelings.
When we feel "moved" "emoted" the power that causes this occurrence to occur is that of
LOVE, we in our semi-realized state can only call on that of conditional-love, there are a few
exceptions, like the love of a (mother for her child,) but the vast majority of us are unable to
exhibit that of unconditional love. so we make do with love that has conditions attached to it.
If we can at this time of the year open our hearts and send out silent blessings to all those souls
who are far far less fortunate than we are, those souls whose children are dying before their
very eyes, and they are completely powerless to stop this tragic things from happening, they have
zero food, and zero clean water to drink.If we all can send out our silent prayers for our brothers
and sisters in need, it will make a difference, you will NEVER KNOW the difference yourself,
but truly believe that it will happen.
In part two will go further into this      Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

1 comment:

  1. Today is Christmas day what does these mean to you? If you are a Christian it will mean something to you,if you are devout it will have a definite religious meaning, to others it will be a time of giving presents, eating and drinking.Then there are billions of us where it will mean absolutely nothing at all, here in Turkey where i am now,children are at school today and playing football in the playground.
