Monday 27 August 2018

Insightful Consciousness Opens Numinosity. =I C O N Part Two.

The whole of humanity manifests as a physical representation of an inner invisible reality, this
inner reality is basically made up of two parts, the outer part is the soul, and the inner part is the
spirit,these two principles, are hidden away behind the facade and mask of form(physical body).
Therefore mankind is in truth a symbolic representation of an inner reality, and is therefore an
ICON, a visible portrayal representing an inner truth.
We all are an ICON, an enigma awaiting a thoughtful probe within its physical shell (vehicle)
and by doing this, we awaken insightful consciousness,this opens numinosity's portal and will
eventually reveal a radiant inner light, which is the real you awaiting discovery.The physical
body is NOT a principle, unlike the radiant spirit within us, therefore the physical body or to
give it a more appropriate name that of a vehicle, because just like the car you drive, when its
too old, or you want a newer model, you get rid of the car (vehicle) and are reborn in another
model? We attach far too much importance upon the vehicle and hardly a passing thought for
the spirit within, which being an immutable eternal principle,you would think it would be of
more interest to us, than this transitory short lived physical body!
We all live and move and have our being,within a infinite ocean of energy, where every single
atom within the universe is connected to the whole. we as human beings who are made up of
countless trillions of atoms, and sub atomic particles, and we too are totally connected to every
soul on this planet, the very notion of being apart from, or separated from the WHOLE is
absolutely and totally IMPOSSIBLE, and no separation or apart from the WHOLE has EVER
occurred within the total history of this relative physical universe. HOWEVER, because so
many millions of us live in total ignorance of our true identity, that of being an immortal SOUL
We then experience the very real ILLUSION, of being separated, feeling isolated, lonely,
which then enables fear to arise within us, and we become lonely and isolated, filled with dread
and fearful thoughts. This is the very state that so many millions are experiencing this very day.
We live in cities, teeming with human beings, and sit all alone in our homes,no one ever knocks
your door! No friendly faces to chat and be with.A desperate icy cold loneliness. Yet within us
all is a being, that loves us unconditionally, and is closer to you, than your hands and feet, you
cannot get any closer than that! This being within is YOU dear reader of this blog, yes YOU
that's right! Within you lies your true SELF, that of your  immortal soul, sit quietly, turn your
gaze inward, ask yourself the question, WHO AM I? If you do this, and are patient and persistent
the answer will flood into your consciousness, and then you will KNOW who you really ARE!
Warmest regards Michael any feedback most welcome, Facebook Soul Realisation.

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