Friday 17 August 2018

Spirit Entwining Living Flame Imaging Expression.=S E L F I E Part Two.

Our primal reality is that of being spirit, second comes the soul, and the third part which makes
up the trinity of expression complete,is the physical body, which is the vehicle of the soul.
Now the title of this blog being SELFIE, which has become a global phenomena, and has had some
tragic consequences of the one being photoed, some have walked off cliff tops and were killed, others
have walked into oncoming traffic, and again been killed, while being totally fascinated by looking
at their own image! Is this taking rampant egotism a tad too far?
Another take on the word SELFIE, reveals some interesting ideas; Spirit-Engages-Living-Form
Inviting-Experiences=SELFIE! We primarily are spirit, and are within the infinite and absolute
ocean of spirit, within this infinite ocean we condense as dew-drops, living flames, each drop
contains the whole, and each whole contains the drop. Each drop of pure spirit, then takes on
a vehicle in order to manifest something called EXPRESSION, the formless, shapeless, invisible
consciousness, called spirit, encases itself into something called shape and form, which we call a
body, physical form, in this first instance it takes of that which is a "sheath" (vehicle) which is
the soul, then the soul takes on another vehicle, which becomes the physical human being.
Why does the spirit do this? A very simple answer would be to experience the joy and rapture
of expressive living! Within the absolute purity of absolute SPIRIT, that which we call GOD or
the Absolute, ALL is STILL, eternally SO, no MOTION,no-THING EVER happens, or arises
The ocean is still and motionlessness, an abode of absolute PEACE and SERENITY.
To Find the place where MOTION RESIDES, spirit has to condense, to leave the place of eternal
stillness, and venture out from its absolute abode of peace, into what we call the RELATIVE  physical universe, where there is an unlimited abundance of MOTION, this motion is what we
as spirit want to experience, we want to experience SHAPE and FORM, we want to experience
what being condensed into a body FEELS LIKE,we want to experience being lost, and the joy
of being FOUND, we want to experience what male and female feels like, to experience the joy
and the DANCE of formal expressed life, will we all SHAPE UP? There is a living flame within
each and everyone of us, this flame is DIVINE and is the FIRE of LIFE ITSELF, in some of us
this flame burns brightly, in others it flickers and seems to wane,it can never be extinguished or
ever burn out,we are all eternally safe within the eternal FLAME of LIFE. May your flame be
ever so bright,dear reader of this blog.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realisation.

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