Sunday 26 August 2018

Insightful Consciousness Opens Numinosity. =I C O N .

What exactly does insightful consciousness opens numinosity mean?Another name for insightful
is intuitive or even discerning, which seems to imply a certain amount of looking within your self
for the answer to the many questions life throws up at us all.
When we become insightful, intuitive, or discerning, we are actually tapping into a level of consciousness that runs very deep,and we will begin to touch on some core issues about who we
really are. If we pay attention to these intuitive insights, we will begin opening up an inner door
that for us was all but closed before,at best maybe just ajar, this inner door leads to the place where
numinosity dwells, what then does this word numinosity actually mean? In a sense numinosity is
like the more familiar term luminosity, but numinosity refers to a subtle, spiritual light, instead of
an outwardly visible light, such as the luminosity of the moon.
If we only had eyes to see, we would see that each of us is a vast field of swirling energy, rotating
around a central core, or point that anchors our vehicles, (bodies) into a coherent display of energy
and formed into physicality by vastly lowering the vibration frequency, all this energy is "HELD"
into a coherent whole, by willed intention of the indwelling soul. This leads to the actual spelling
out of the name ICON, what exactly is an icon? A symbol maybe? Would it surprise you to know
that the whole human race is actually an ICON? We are ALL PHYSICAL SYMBOLS of an INNER
DIVINE reality. This reality has absolutely NOTHING to do with ANY RELIGION or belief
system, It was in place long before we ever set foot upon this earth, and invented such things as
If any man or woman looks deeply within themselves, they will see and feel numinosity looking
back at them, because that is what we ARE. There can be no doubt about this fact, because it
LIVES within ALL Seven billions souls upon this earth plane, it there right inside of YOU dear
reader of this blog, look in the the mirror, look into your eyes, and ask yourself who am "I"? That
is the beauty and wonder of this TRUTH because you do not have to take my word for it,  or any
one else's word for it, because YOU ARE this SOUL,and if you take and make the effort to look
within yourself, you will reveal a wondrous sight that will befall your gaze, switch of your smart
for a while, and use that space to get to KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE!
Will look further into this in part Two       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

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