Wednesday 1 August 2018

We Are Reflective Principles. W A R P Part Two.

We all our reflective principles called LIFE,we are all contained and condensed into what we
term as a physical body. This physical body as long as it is in synchronisation and harmony
with the laws of expressed life in physical form, it will then reflect back to its occupier,(you)
good health and balanced experiences.
If that is not the case,then we begin to experience the phenomena caused by a WARP within the
fabric of our living matrix, the word warp, means to twist out of shape,warped thinking produces
negative results, when we are out of alignment with the laws of life, we are impacted with this
warped reflection, and the results cause us damage, either, physically, mentally, emotionally,
or spiritually. As mentioned in yesterdays blog, LIFE is absolutely impartial to whatever we do
or not do, if you want to jump of a cliff, it will NOT interfere with your decision, if you want to
reflect your inner perfection,life will not stand in your way. It is our decision to align ourselves
to the immutable laws of life. If we do our best to do that, we prosper, if we don't we suffer.
It is our complete ignorance of who and what we are, that causes most of the damage that mankind
suffers, not only are we out of alignment with natural law, the vast majority of us do not even know
that it exists!! Plus not knowing the fundamental laws of life, we additionally are completely and
totally unaware of just who and what we actually ARE! So it stands to reason then that literally
billions of us are all REFLECTING WARPED REFLECTIONS, which pan out as wars, hatred,
gross egotism, selfishness, exclusivity,greed,the list is endless, very FEW of us are reflecting love
and compassion,understanding and kindness, very few of us understand the meaning of the word
humility and acceptance. All this STEMS from ONE PRIMAL CAUSE, that of gross ignorance
as to WHO you really ARE, BECAUSE if we knew who we really are, we would then totally
realise and further understand, that the WHOLE of MANKIND was ONE Composite WHOLE
we are all brother and sister, we are ALL immortal souls, having a human experience. If we fully
understood who we are, we would ALL be REFLECTING LOVE and ACCEPTANCE of each
other. There would be no wars, or conflicts, the idea would be absurd to a LOVING ACCEPTING
HEART. We are basically what we reflect, are we reflecting love and kindness, or hatred and selfishness? We individually are the ones who decide what we reflect out into this world, what are
you going to reflect this day ,dear reader of this blog?
Warmest regards Michael any feed back welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

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