Sunday 5 August 2018

Become Yourself Explore-Be Yourself Expanded.= B Y E B Y E Part Two.

To become who we really are, we need to explore what actually lies deep within us? And if we
think the we are only a physical body, shaped into what is commonly called a human being, then
if we truly think this, then it is unlikely that we would bother looking within our psyche.
There are literally millions like this today, just believing and accepting that they are just a name
their parents gave them, where they were born, what level of education  they aspired to, and what
they do now, that's all they know about themselves, and tens of millions of us, are born, get married,
and then die, without never knowing who the HELL they really WERE! Here the word hell can
be seen to represent;Host-evaporating-Listless-Life=HELL.What seems to evaporate is the "presence" of the inner PRINCIPLE that of the SOUL!
So it seems that unless certain conditions arise within our personal experiences, such as having
parents that are spiritually active, and that their example encourages us to look within ourselves
or,we have a profound and life altering experience, that causes us to reflect, and look within
ourselves, or like in my case ,a major life threatening crisis, caused or even forced me to look
and ask a Higher power for help, as I thought I was beyond human aid.
It seems that if our "BOAT" is not "ROCKED" then we just carry on being what we believe is
our real self, just the physical body.
My hope is that if you dear reader of this blog are in that category where your boat has never been
rocked, and you are happy to be just who you are, an ordinary human being, that you will at least
consider the points raised here, and perhaps ask yourself the question, do I really know who "I"
am? Who am "I" really? Is it at all possible that what this blog writer is saying, may actually be
TRUE? That I am really an Divine Immortal Soul, and just have never realised this truth?
The very fact that you have come to this point of even reading this blog, which after all is
entitled Soul Realisation, means that you are open to this possibility, so I am sure that you will
be able to identify with what is written here, find some inner correspondence with it, and hopefully
this will open up a whole new level of understanding and experiences for you.
Then we can joyfully say BYE BYE to our outer vehicle, and begin embracing our true inner reality
that of soul consciousness, then we will be perfectly balanced in our earthy expression, we will
look after and protect our outer vehicle, which is a wonderful  biological computer and machine
and balance this with an inner expansion of soul consciousness and perception.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

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