Friday 10 August 2018

Death Is An Illusional Doorway Entwining Mind.=D I A I D E M .

We all fear something that does not exist, death! How crazy is that? Suppose we said we were
afraid of Martian clog dancers, what would our friends say? Apart from maybe thinking we were
nuts! They would most likely say there is no such a thing as Martian clog dancers, on this planet!
So you have absolutely no reason to fear anymore.Why then do we all fear something that does
not exist? One reason is that it "seems" to exist when a being leaves the physical body, when they
are called "dead" then the empty vehicle or body, is buried, or cremated, they then have disappeared
from what we call as life.Because they have disappeared from our view, we call that process death
meaning that that life we once knew, no longer exists! Is that the truth though? No it is most certainly
not! It is because of our gross ignorance of the reality of LIFE, we fail to ever understand what life
actually IS. LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focus-Energy, we are ALL ENERGY, condensed
and shaped into a form called a physical body, and that physical body, is just a VEHICLE for the
REAL LIFE ENTITY that animates the physical FORM Facade-of Real-Matter=FORM, that of
the immortal divine SOUL. Science and Quantum physics all agree that ENERGY CANNOT
EVER BE DESTROYED, all it can ever be is CONVERTED, never DESTROYED which means
that energy can NEVER DIE,or become DEAD!!! So the GOOD news is that we are ALL ENERGY
therefore we are ALL ETERNAL beings, that is a FACT! Science says so!Check it out on GOOGLE
It is because we have never been educated into the reality of what life actually is, all life is eternal
when we can fully understand the reality of just who we are, then the idea of death will loose its
fearful grip on us all. We will know and understand that we are all immortal divine souls, and that
which we all thought was us (the physical form, called a human being) was in fact an illusion
conjured up by our ignorance and superstition.
We are all consciousness energised by intelligence and focused by soulful intent, our physical
bodies are just a vehicle, nothing more than that, a spacesuit, for the indwelling true OWNER
of the vehicle the soul. When we "die" (LEAVE THE VEHICLE) the physical body, OUR
ENERGY is then CONVERTED into our ASTRAL BODY, which has been with us all of our
earthly expression, mostly unbeknown to us, then the silver chord that connects the physical body
with the Astral body, is severed, it snaps away,and then the physical body decays and rots away
while YOU, carry on living as before your departure from the dense physical plane, in another
dimension, called the Astral realm.
Will continue this further in part two, Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realisation.

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