Monday 20 August 2018

Shadows Of Inner Light Illuminate Man And Govern Expression. S O I L I M A G E .

We are all shadows, that are gross reflections of an inner light. When we see each other, we only
ever see the shadow, no human being has ever seen the real Being that lies beneath the shadow.
We all live within a world of shadows, some much darker than others.If we could fully understand
who and what we really are,this realisation would throw some light onto our true natural expression.
There is what seems to be a global collective idea, which we all seem to understand as a thing called
HUMANITY, or MANKIND, nobody ever seems to question this "idea" that seems firmly "locked"
and embedded within our psyche and subconsciousness. The reality of this to me, is that we have
all created a mammoth MYTH about who we think we ARE! In truth and in expressed reality there
is no such thing existing as what we called humanity, what we are is in fact a massive collection
of VEHICLES numbering over seven billion souls, and if we see this as that, then the EARTH is
really just a garage, where we all learn to drive (live fully).
It is said, that all myth's originate from a truthful understanding,that has been lost, within the mists
of time, our ancient ancestors knew who they really were, and they were more closely involved
with the living spirit within us.We have all forgotten who we are, and in so doing have become
lost within a vast hall of mirrors, that reflect that global idea of forever looking outward, stay
fascinated by outward "things" like smart phones for instance, stay entranced and keep buying
the crap we tell you to buy.Hopelessly lost in a materialistic maelstrom of trivialised bullshit
dressed up as something of interest and value.
Our vehicles (physical bodies) are made of earth, (soil) and the image it portrays is that of a
shadow, the shadow is cast by the form being expressed in three dimensional space and its
essence slowed down and congealed into form and shaped into a body, our soul, which is the REAL
YOU, needs this physical form,which we call mankind,in order to be able to find expression and
purchase upon this low vibration realm. The soul without a vehicle would be totally unable to
exist and gather experience here, because its higher vibration frequency would not be able to
descend beyond its frequency range.
Our experience here on earth is lit by our solar sun, without its light, all life would quickly vanish
from this earth,we all need outwardly the warmth and the light from our outer sun, however though
this is only part of the full equation in which we all need,will explore this part tomorrow, in part
two. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

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