Saturday 25 August 2018

Inner Directions Expresses Awakening Soul.=I D E A S Part Two.

To have any direction from within ourselves, we  first need to pay attention to these inner
promptings that arise from within us, if we can listen to this sometimes silent voice within us
it will actually save us from making some grave errors of judgement of  behaviour, we all have
this inner voice, we can call it conscience if you like, this inner voice will always guide us safely
through our encountering experiences if we just pay some attention to it.
Ideas surface within our consciousness and arise from various points of our state of being, if we
are primarily ego centred then our arising thought patterns will be all ego driven, they will be ideas
of your basic human condition, which in itself is self-centred and often selfish. If we do or act in a
way that makes us feel uncomfortable, maybe even feeling guilty, then this is our conscience
raising its head. What then is our conscience? Simply put, our conscience is what has often been
called a "divine monitor" that resides within us all. this monitor is actually our immortal soul, and
its way of connecting with its outer shell. or vehicle, the physical body, is through the medium of
what we call conscience, and if we pay attention to these inner pulses that emanate from that source
we will begin to build up a relationship, that will gradually open out as, intuitive ideas and thoughts
that will help you become more aware and understanding of reality. The greatest gift any human can
really have, is to fully know and understand who they really are, when you know that, your understanding and aware consciousness will become much more expanded, and you will see how you
are connected to every other soul on this planet.
It is so easy at times to lose our way, lose direction,feel thwarted in all we do, when this happens to
us, we need to sit quietly and go within ourselves, and ask direction from that inner POWER that
resides within us all,that power is your very own immortal soul, get to know that inner power, and
see how that will begin to transform your life, the truth is that none of us are ever left ALONE
upon this earth plane,we all have a DIVINE POWER that lives within us, and is closer to YOU
dear reader of this blog, than your hands and feet! You cannot get any closer than that! All we need
to do, is to look within ourselves, and ask our higher self the soul for help and direction. When we
can sincerely look within ourselves, and seek help from that inner divine source, this focus of our
attention, will bypass the ego, which resides in the head, and instead go to your heart centre which
is where your soul energy resides.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Face book Soul Realisation.

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