Thursday 23 August 2018

Our Consciousness Envelops Absolutely Nothing ?=O C E A N Part Two.

Our consciousness envelops absolutely nothing? And yet within this enveloping nothing, we all know
that we know, and we can all reflect on the fact that we all know that we know, do we not?  The next
point is what is it that we actually know? Do you reading these words, know for instance, who you
really actually are? The odd thing about us, is that so many of us are experts in so many differing
fields of expertise, some are the worlds foremost authorities on their given subject, the question
could arise as to how many of these world authorities, actually know who they really are? How
many of you reading this now, actually know who you really are? We all have consciousness, and
we all have awareness,depending on our individual circumstances and experiences, we will either
always look outside of ourselves for solutions to our problems, or we will occasional look within
ourselves, or ask for advice or support from a close friend.
It seems that we are programmed from birth to always look outside of ourselves, that the answer to
all our questions, lies out there somewhere. We only ever look within ourselves when we have been
confronted by some crisis or shock,this causes us to question things, that we have not looked at before, like what is my life all about? Why am I here? Who the hell am I really? All these questions
need answering, the question is where will we look?
It took a major crisis in my life before I even thought about looking within, and I guess there are
many of us like this today. What I found was that I never had a clue as to who I really was, apart
from just thinking that I had made a complete mess of my life so far, and the question arising of,
just where do I go from here? Looking within myself through the regular practice of meditation
began to reveal that there was more to me that I had ever imagined, a whole new inner reality
began to present itself to me.Differing levels of consciousness would be accessed by deeper levels
of inner quietness, as the inner chattering of random thoughts slowed down, a depth of an inner
self, became felt and recognised. There is no need to ask anybody the question of, who am I? Just
pose this question to yourself, sit quietly,meditate, and say to yourself, who am "I" and then await
an answer. For some of us the answer will come fairly quickly, like it did for me, while others it
might take longer, the thing is that the answer to the question of who am "I"? Will always come,
provided we are patient, and whats more persistent. It is not  the same to be told by someone else,
like me for instance, that you are an immortal divine soul, but when YOU dear READER of this
blog, suddenly realise this truth existing within YOU, then you will know real JOY and a deep
understanding, that will bring gratitude in its wake.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook SoulRealisation.

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