Friday 3 August 2018

Soul Consciousness Opens Up Truth.= S C O U T Part Two.

We are all connected and interconnected to each other,this is a fundamental  reality that even
quantum physics will agree to.We are all energy, we are all alive, we are life, which translates as
Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, and all the energy that we all are is totally connected to each
form and being upon this planet.
Soul consciousness will indeed open up the truth of BE-ing , the problem with that though is the
fact that tens of millions of us, do not know or even realise such a thing as soul consciousness
even exists!  Millions of us wander around and engage in our daily routines, completely unaware
of that living VITAL FORCE that exists within them. Why is this? Total lack of any basic teaching
and education as to who we really are, you cannot blame your parents, they were never taught this
reality at school, college, or university, neither were your grandparents taught this,so we all grow
up knowing just our names and address and not much more. We are taught from birth to look
forever outward, never within,we then naturally believe and think that who we really are is just
this physical body, and that's it! And when we die, well who knows, what happens then? If we were
GOOD then we may be lucky and get in this place called Heaven! Heaven actually means harmony
and its NOT a PLACE, rather its a STATE of BE-ing.
What state are you in dear reader of this blog? Hopefully you will be in a state of scouting out as
to whether what is being said here is REALLY TRUE, are we all really and TRULY immortal
Divine Souls, is this chap (me) telling us (you) the truth about this? Can I check this out anywhere?
Or will I just dismiss this idea of being a SOUL as nonsense, and not worth checking out? As they
say in the movies, "you pays yer money and you takes yer choice" I just hope dear reader that you
will ask yourself the question, could this blog mentioning about that we are ALL  immortal divine
souls, be actually true? And if I think it is, then how will I find out more information about this
thing? Well there are several things you could do, you could start by looking within yourself and
asking yourself the basic question of, WHO AM "I"? Meditate upon this question, and eventually
a "still small voice within you" will intuitively answer you and tell you the answer to that question.
Or you can check out a vast number of websites that explain about the reality of us all being souls,
or you could even read many of my older blogs that go into this reality very deeply.
The truth of life and reality is vouchsafed within each human, all you really have to do, is look
within yourself, and ask the question, Who am "I"?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

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