Wednesday 15 August 2018

Meditation Opens Doors Expanding Realities Numinosity.=M O D E R N Part Two,

Meditation is a science that leads to inner knowing, inner understanding,it is a science of expanding
consciousness and awareness,consciousness exists in unimaginable levels and degrees  of
expression, exploring some of these levels within myself, having been  the most exciting time
of my life.
Meditation can act like a laser beam, particularly if we are one pointed in our inner enquiry, if we
focus our intention on say asking ourselves the question, who am "I"? And continue and persist with
this one pointed focused enquiry, our intention focused to the exclusion of all other thoughts and ideas, will burn deeper and deeper into previously completely unknown levels of consciousness
deep within us, our focused intention upon the question, who am "I"?  Will begin to reap dividends
that begin with intuitive responses to our questioning, Puzzled as I was at first, as to whom and where
did this inner voice arise from? Then with more patient persistence, and questioning,that answer
finally came, that this inner voice, was indeed, my immortal divine SOUL, and as soon as this realisation was vouchsafed within my consciousness, the other realisation also dawned, that the
whole of humanity must to have souls, and that millions of us are completely unaware of this most
basic and fundamental reality of our being here, in the first place!
When you open up the doors within your being, light floods in and begins to illuminate those dark
recesses we all have within us. Meditation acts like a KEY that unlocks the doors of your inner
consciousness,its practice brings expansion and illumination in its wake.
It is a global disgrace, that so many millions of us, are born, grow, "educated" marry, and then die
and have spent their entire life NOT KNOWING a JOT, about who they really ARE, a SOUL.
If this measly ole blog can attract ONE SOUL, to look within themselves and find their true and
immortal identity, I shall weep with joy! Because I was fortunately able to find this truth, but only
after nearly dying, and being in a severe crisis, this crisis forced me into looking at myself, and
using meditation as a tool to do that.
I hope anyone reading this, can take up meditation, without the need of a intervening crisis to
spur them on.By going within we find our real SELF the SOUL, and in finding that reality, we
see clearly that divinity lies within the heart of all mankind, and that we are all interconnected to
one and another.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

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