Tuesday 14 August 2018

Meditation Opens Doors Expanding Realities Numinosity.=M O D E R N.

Although meditation has been around for centuries, it has only really become popular since the
early sixties, with the arrival of the pop and hippy culture, plus the Beatles rock group who went
to India to see the Maharishi Yogi and were taught meditation, so meditation is really a modern
phenomena, that seems to be even more popular now with the arrival of the internet.
It is said that we have to loose ourselves, in order to find ourselves, that seemed to be in my case,
meditation came into my life, in 1974 after I have been seriously ill with a addiction problem
and was given three months to live. After getting help, and starting to recover, there was a sort
of natural attraction that presented itself to my awaking consciousness which was impelling me
to take up meditation, which I duly did, and that began a journey within the self, which I am still
now on, after over forty four years of meditating.
Countless discoveries began to present themselves to me, as time passed,new levels of consciousness
seemed to open up,my life and understanding of it, became much more alert and perceptive, intuition
would begin playing a leading role in my life, my mind was fired up by new and exciting
possibilities, insight began to impact upon my mind, the word intuition, caused me much profound
thought,I meditated on the word intuition, I had some sort of strange "feeling" like a excited or
expectant anticipation about this word, the literal meaning of the word intuition, means to be taught
from within, that being so, then begged the question in my mind, that who then, or what is this
teacher that is within me? What is this power,force, energy, intelligence,that is teaching me all these
wonderful insights that I am receiving? This discovery occurred very early on in my meditation
experience, it seemed to just come out of the blue, after only a few months of practice, so I have had
well over forty years to better understand this phenomena and equate it into my normal day to day
I discovered that the source of this intuitive teaching that I had been given, was from ME actually?
But not the physical body me, rather the real ME I discovered was the higher self, or more commonly
called the SOUL, This higher self was teaching this lower self the reality of its expression upon this
earth plane, it pointed out to me that this physical body, which I had always thought of as me, was
mistaken,and that this physical body was just a vehicle for the REAL ME the soul  to gain purchase
on this dense physical plane.Never in all my life did I expect something like this to happen to me,
what a wonderful experience it was for me, which set my mind wondering, does this happen to everyone?
Will explore this more in part Two, warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

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