Tuesday 21 August 2018

Shadow Of Inner Light Illuminate Man And Govern Expression. S O I L I M A G E Part Two.

As mentioned in yesterdays blog, we all need the light and warmth of our solar sun, without
which, life on earth could not survive, but again as mentioned there also, that this is only part
of the full equation, that is needed in order to become fully operational within your physical
expression, while incarnate upon the earth plane.
As we all need the physical outer sun, in order to survive here on earth, we also need the warmth
and the contact with the spiritual sun, which lies within us all. The outer physical sun is golden
yellow in colour,the inner spiritual sun in blue, and when we see this colour within us, say, while
meditating, we are seeing the "rays" of this inner blue sun.
Because so many of us fail to understand who we really are, we are then just left with the physical
sun for life, which is okay, if we were purely physical beings, then we would have no worries, and
all live healthy lives.However though, we are NOT just physical beings, we are all three fold expressions of life, that being, physical. mental, and spiritual beings,with the other added dimension
of also being emotional beings as well.
If we only pay attention to our physical and mental expressions, then the spiritual aspect of our being
is negated, and this act of spiritual negation, results in all the ills, wars, and strife, that plague this
planet today.Tens of millions of us are all out of alignment with our true potential, we are only partly
expressed, and therefore this causes vast displacements of life giving energy, resulting in disease and
mental and emotional illnesses,plus all the addictive behaviours that are destroying millions every
year, and this then coupled with rampant uncontrolled egotism, which is sparking of wars all around
the globe. Because the inner blue spiritual sun is ignored, and mostly unknown by so many,we have all become twisted in what could be seen as a negative physical vortex, a whirlwind that is causing
massive destruction worldwide. We are forever looking OUT THERE for the ANSWER, and it will
NEVER be FOUND OUT THERE! The answer to all our prayers, and our hopes, is to look within
ourselves, therein, we will find our TRUE SELF, the SOUL, whose PRIMARY focus is LOVE and
acceptance, when we find ourselves, we also find that inner SUN, which then ignites the inner fires
of compassion, thoughtfulness,and love,and this inner warmth will begin the healing process, that this
earth plane so badly needs. My hope and prayer, is that we can all become illuminated by this inner
light,and that this inner illumination will begin to govern all our actions and deeds.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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