Thursday 9 August 2018

Lost In Space Time Evading Discovery. L I S T E D Part Two.

We all have a real need deeply within us all,to be loved, and to love,and be fully accepted,to feel
that we truly belong somewhere. That we are a part of a wholeness that is locked within our
subconscious mind, this feeling that arises within us of longing, is the subconscious mind
leaking out into our conscious awareness and giving us the feeling that there is something
missing in our lives, but we cannot seem to put our finger on what exactly this longing feeling
actually means, longing for what exactly? Because we cannot identify as to what this longing
feeling means,we then fall into what could be seen as walking into a "Cul-de-sac " we try
and find ways to fill this longing feeling, and this often leads to addictive behavior and other
negative traits, because this inner longing feeling, grows into a gaping chasm within us, a
HOLE within our psyche that demands filling! We all really need to fully understand what this
longing feeling actually is, and from where is  it arising from, and that's not easy as where can you
find out the answer to this,you can hardly go and ask your neighbour, saying do you know what this longing feeling in me means? We have no guide or instruction book for life, saying something
like go to page 197 for "longing feelings"!  I had to find out for myself, after years of suffering
and mental agony, it was a major crisis in my life, that opened the door that lead me to the source
of my longing feelings, that mutated into an ravenous hunger that could not be satisfied.
I discovered that the answer to these longing feelings, lie deep within us all,and that the actual
longing feeling is actually an invitation to look within yourself, and find out what lies beneath
the veneer of our personality?  It is just that we have all become so accustomed to only ever
looking outward, that it never occurs to us to look within, because we mistakenly think there
is nothing there inside us!  I discovered through my own experience that I was indeed a soul
and that the longing feeling we all encounter, are like beckon pulses that the soul sends out, to
try and attract your attention, and that you will then instinctively turn within yourself, and
investigate this curious phenomena, alas though the vast majority of us do not do this. My
hope dear reader of this blog, is that you do not have to have a major crisis in your life, before
you make the decision to look within yourself, and find your own immortal soul dwelling within
you.Every human being upon this planet, all seven billion or so, each have an immortal soul within
them, all you have to do, is look within, ask yourself the question, Who am "I"? Then you will find
out the same way that I found out, and then you will really know WHO YOU ARE!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

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