Monday 14 February 2022

Everlasting Truth Expressing Relativity Now As LIFE. E T E R N A L .

 "WE" are all transcendent of the relative concept (idea) of what we call life and death.

This concept (idea) does not apply to us, because we are all eternal BEING, which means

that we have never ever experienced a beginning, nor will we ever experience an ending.

That is what the ETERNAL MEANS, UNBORN REALITY. "WE" are all SPIRIT in

essence and spirit is ETERNAL and ever STILL. There is a big distinction between 

Spirit  and what we call life. Pure spirit which is that of pure awareness is motionless

and forever still  in perfect bliss and atonement, only when a concept (IDEA) enters

into the Absolute Mind that we then get what is called INTENTION=MOTION

=LIFE. When the Absolute Source INTENDS to BE-COME LIFE it causes 

MOTION through the INTENTION process. LIFE is born aloft within that

primordial THOUGHT WAVE. Spirit then is "moved" by the motion of

thought and thereby enters into relativity as that of a motioning LIFE principle.

Humanity has been involved within this life principle for aeons of lapsed relative 

time. Gradually ascending a spiral of expressions into a direction that will ultimately

lead to the birth of our "I AM" self aware consciousness. All of life has never been 

born, because all of life is SPIRIT, becoming expressed by INTENTIONAL motion

this motion will ultimately lead the life expression back to its place of STILLNESS

which is Spirit.

We will see then plainly that the physical body is just a biological vehicle nothing 

more than that, We underneath this vehicle are all LIVING PRINCIPLES which are

ETERNAL and therefore forever UNBORN.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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