Friday 18 February 2022


 Spirit is NO-THING that connects everything in this relative universe. This blog entitled

SINCE is about us recognising these connections and thereby understanding ourselves and

life in general. There are zero gaps anywhere in this universe, no such a thing as an" EMPTY

SPACE" space is totally FILLED with energy and vibration. No one thing is isolated from 

another, every single star in the universe is connected to the wholeness of stars. NO-THING

connects  ALL and here the word NO-THING means that what connects everything together

universally is the ALL-THING  which is the SOURCE of all life universally. A great master

was asked by a devotee, how should I treat others master? To which the master replied "there

are no OTHERS!".

Humanity consists of 7.7 billion souls and each one of those 7.7 billion souls is connected to

everyone else on this planet. If only we could actually see how we are all electromagnetically

connected to each other, this whole planet is connected to one wholeness of unified energy.

If we could actually all perceive this fact of connectivity, we would then realise our oneness

within the WHOLE, and immediately all wars and hatred would cease, because we would 

then FEEL  the CONNECTION and thereby adjust ourselves to it.

Any hurt we would inflict upon another would also harm us as well, and we would see and 

FEEL this reality. Thereby there would be peace upon the earth and goodwill to all mankind.

The Golden age would thereby be born upon us, and we would prosper.

There is a saying that goes like this" There are none so blind ,as those who cannot see" This

is how humanity behaves today, because we fail to see the connectivity between us all

and therefore make enemies instead of friends.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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