Wednesday 27 April 2022


 This blog today entitled VISTA is about bringing  into focus the sequence of events that

are portrayed in order for a PURE SPIRIT which is ubiquitous and omnipresent  and 

intangible, to finally become a tangible vehicle able to interact within a relative framework

of reference upon this planet Earth. SPIRIT cannot interact or directly connect with matter,

purity and grossness cannot exist together dimensionally, so in order for spirit to be able 

to become tangible and gross, it has to become clothed within five koshas or sheaths  to 

allow its entry into this dense area of expression. The spirit "becomes" the soul which is 

Spirit "cloaked down" in density by layers of infolding energy skins/koshas. 

The sequence of this blog VISTA is that the primary reality is the SPIRIT (GOD/SOURCE)

This primary reality wants to experience TANGIBILITY, so in order to do that it covers itself

(LOCALIZES ITSELF) in five layers koshas and exits the ABSOLUTE VOID into tangible

relativity which is this relative universe. 

The soul then needs a vehicle to become fully dense and tangible on Earth, so the soul 

summons the vital ingredients for its vehicle from the four ELEMENTS which are Earth

Air Fire and water which then cooperate with the incoming soul to provide the physical

vehicle for the soul to become born within and thereby exit the womb into and as a 

human being vehicle of the soul.

We all our a divine trinity being expressed here on this planet Earth, the divine sequence

is that the PRIMAL REALITY is SPIRIT which equates DIRECTLY to GOD/SOURCE

the secondary expression is the divine immortal soul, which in truth is spirit "cloaked 

down" and the third part of this holy trinity is the physical body vehicle which is not a 

principle, and thereby rots and decays, when the souls departs back into the astral realm.

The elements that made up the physical vehicle are thereby returned to the place from 

whence they arose from within the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water,

Warmest regards michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. This is the sort of post which I would like you to send in for inclusion on the church Web page. It clearly articulates the link between spirit and our physical bodies. It might be beyond some people but I think it would be well-received by some of our readers, who are well-versed in spiritual philosophy. Thanks for sharing, Rachel
