Sunday 10 April 2022


 The dictionary definition of the word RESURRECT  means to "restore vibrancy, 

"to reawaken" this blog today entitled ROD is about how we all can resurrect our

inner destiny and awaken and restore our vibrancy  of our true inner nature which is

that of an immortal divine soul.

The sole reason any of us are here on planet Earth is to find ourselves through engaging

in multiple experiences while being incarnate upon this planet. These experiences will

ultimately culminate in the inner realization of just who we really are. We are all here 

to realize ourselves and claim our divine heritage of being immortal souls. The process

of our awakening into full divine recognition is a long and arduous process which spans

countless incarnations here on Earth. Now days we all have an advantage something 

that our ancestors never had, which is the digital age of mass communication and the internet

which is full of websites churning out information about us being divine immortal beings.

We can all do something that our ancestors could never do, and that is to actually "speed

up" our evolution by learning about our true nature on the internet, and by taking up

meditation, and look within us for that divine being that dwells within all of us.

We can find ourselves by going within ourselves and seek out that inner voice of 

intuition which wll lead us into full knowing of who we really are. We can thereby awaken

into ur rue SELF . We can restore our vibrancy, raise our vibrations and reveal what lies 

beneath our FACADE of FORM . which is our Immortal Divine Soul,

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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