Tuesday 5 April 2022


A short poem to start this blog today.

Mirror image speak to me

tell me of truth and liberty

slay the darkness of my soul

uproot my ignorance and

make me whole.

We all have a mirror image within us all, and often we are unaware of its existence

There is the outer part of you that the world sees , and there is the inner you that only

you feel and see, both are NOT THE SAME! The real you is always that one that is

hidden from view, sometimes we even try and distant ourselves from our inner self

in particular if it suggests something about yourself that you do not like or disagree

with. This blog entitled  MISTY is about looking into that inner mirror and seeing who

and what we really are, when there is no one around us, when we are fully alone, who

are we listening too? Our outer image or our inner image ? We need to understand  that

we tend to wear several masks depending on who we are interacting with, whether it be 

as a parent with its child, the boss at work, your married partner, close friends and family

members, each one of these you have a mask for, which you think is appropriate  for the

one you are with.

So when you are alone is that the real raw presentation of yourself or are you still acting

a role?  Being ourselves at all times is not an easy thing to do, because we have  lerned

to play roles, we are like actors on stage , do I know my lines for this person in front

of me? It is possible to just be yourself with everybody but this takes an effort, because we

are used to playing roles, MISTY is about stop acting roles and rather JUST BE YOURSELF!

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


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