Saturday 9 April 2022


 This blog today called CLIMB is about how mankind has to climb out of the dense

valley of ignorance and awaken to the fact that every human being is in truth a 

Divine Immortal Soul  and that the fact of Soul Realization is written within the

destiny of every human being on this planet today. If we do not realize our soul 

reality today, we will have to incarnate time and time again until we do realize this

inner reality that lies within the vehicles we call humanity.

The destiny of all mankind is written within our D N A coding sequences if we

could read this it would reveal that your bodies are just vehicles for the soul to use

in order to get your attention to look within yourself and find that truth that dwells 

within every human being.

"WE" are all here to realize ourselves as being Immortal Divine Souls and Eternal  

in nature, an unborn reality.

We need to realize that our bodies are just vehicles and nothing more than that.

You dear reader are not the body, you are a immortal divine soul , but we all misidentify

with our physical bodies as being who we really are, but this is entirely a false assumption

born out of our deep compounded ignorance as to our true and lasting divine soul NATURE.

Our physical bodies are made out of condensed light energy condensed and projected into

this physical material dimension by the INTENTION WAVE of the SOUL so that it can

have purchase in this dense dimension within a physical vehicle, in order for it to gain

experience as a tangible being within a physical body..

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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