Monday 11 April 2022


 This blog today called MINE is about our understanding of the word ME, which stands

for MANIFESTED-ENERGY.  Who or what is a ME? And further does ME still exist 

when you die (change venues) ?  The usual understanding of the word ME refers to the 

person who uses it and identifies with the physical body as that of being ME, mine, myself,

but does this  ME persist beyond the grave?  Or does it end when you die?  This blog is 

about the word ME and that in reality the usual understanding of the word ME is none

existent within reality, it only "seems" to exist within the enclosed physical form of the

vehicle, apart from the physical entity it does not exist.  Is there a universal Me? That

is inclusive of all?  Well the answer is yes there is, when we understand that ME meaning

MANIFESTED-ENERGY is universal and absolute, it is not located in one sole place but

rather the universal ME is universal and absolute. We fail to comprehend that what we call

humanity is really 7.7 billion vehicles used by ONE SPIRIT LIFE FORCE  manifesting

as billions of souls. There is no such a thing as individuality  or being ONE ME, This does

not exist in reality ,it only "seems" to exist within our limited understanding of what actually

LIFE really  IS. All that exists within this universe is INTELLIGENT ENERGY=ME 

Manifested Energy.  Your physical body is not a ME it is only a vehicle for the divine 

inner soul to use so that it can experience TANGIBILITY.

Humanity is not ME in the personality state which is false, but rather humanity is a 

collective name  for VEHICLES that LIFE uses to gather experience. Your personal 

ME only exists within your head, nowhere else, when you die ME as that vehicle dies,

BUT YOU who are a SOUL continues to live as a living life SOUL  BEING,

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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