Wednesday 13 April 2022


What is LIFE? For me it means Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, LIFE is energy  that

is also very Intelligent. Before life what existed? Before this universe  was born what was

there?  The simple answer to that question is SPIRIT, Spirit is an UNBORN eternal reality

we call GOD or SOURCE for short.

So before life was born, it was  PURE SPIRIT motionlessness and unexpressed. LIFE was

born the very moment motion was born which was what the SOURCE manifested  an 

INTENTION  within  its Absolute Mind , this INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE  caused 

motion to be born, and motion equals that of relativity. Duality was non-existent before 

motion was born, Life became life when SPIRIT MOVES. All life is spirit  in motion,

and motion manifests duality. Spirit -SOURCE in its Absolute stateless state can never

experience anything, because in a motionless state no-thing ever occurs, no-thing ever

happens. For spirit -source  to be able to experience anything it has to BECOME

RELATIVE. and take on the clothing of LIFE which means putting on layers of energy

which act as a skin or covering for the spirit.

Then this is called Life and life can and does experience experiences,. We can all do 

something that the  Absolute Source God  cannot DO, and that is FEEL and experience

emotion and feelings like, taste, touch, smell, hear, see, feel pain, feel fear, feel lose,

all the things we take for granted GOD cannot DO in its Absolute stateless state. This is

why the SOURCE manifested a universe so that it could gather experiences.

We human beings are all the SOURCE fragmented into fractal facets of the ONE BEING.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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