Who are we really? Do you know dear reader of this blog? We call ourselves that of
humanity, but what does that actually mean? A collection of human beings! What lies
beneath that FACADE of form we call a person? Where have we come from? Why are
we here? All these questions need answering, are we bothered enough to seek the answer?
We are all reality enfolded within a biological physical machine, beneath the machine lies
the invisible intangible soul that is a principle of immortal being-ness. This is who we all
our beneath our outer covering of flesh and bone, we are SPIRIT//SOUL first covered over
by a physical body .
The reason we are all here is to experience tangible life and feel what expressed life actually
is, that is what humanity collectively is doing at this moment 7.7 billion souls all collecting
separate experiences and feeling what it is like to FEEL EMOTIONS and to be able to see,
hear, taste, touch, smell, all the things pure spirit cannot do.
Humanity becomes confused because it misidentifies that of being the vehicle, which is a
form of madness really imagine if you thought that the FORD car you drive to work in was
really you, if you told anyone you are really a FORD CAR , they would call for a doctor to
examine your head!
Because we through our ignorance fail to know who we really are, we think that we are the
person who looks back at us in the mirror, but this is only the vehicle looking at a vehicle
the real owner is invisible and hidden from view.
SHARED is about waking up and knowing who you really are and that is not your physical
reflection, RATHER you are an immortal Divine Soul, undergoing a human vehicle
experience in order to gather valuable experiences of what tangibility living is really like,
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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