Friday 7 August 2020

Source harmonics Are Relative Emergence-Legion Of Lost Souls. S H A R E -L O L S Part two.

We are all basically three dimensional beings,physical,mental, and spiritual forming a triad of
expression on the physical plane of matter, unless we express these three dimensions of being
we are not fully alive! I came across an ancient story many years ago,which told of an angel
flying over a busy city and declaring very loudly,'behold the city of the dead' I thought
how could an angel fly over a city "teeming with life" and say it was a city of dead beings ?
I think that what the angel meant was that those beings below in the city were only two
dimensional beings,physical and mentally alive, but were all spiritually dead,and as yet
still unborn of the spirit.Spirit always precedes any expression of shape and form, we as human
beings are ALL SOULS with physical bodies, and NOT the other way round of being bodies
that have souls, there is a big difference, as the soul/spirit is eternal and infinite, the physical
body is finite and will rot away back into its elemental constituents of earth,air,fire,and water.
When we share our experiences of life with another soul,we are transcending the human mode
of communication which is that of talking to each other, or even gossiping about someone, this
method of communication is of the intellect and therefore head centred and two dimensional.
whereas sharing with another is heart centred and arises from within our inner being which is
also soul based, although this is often not always understood by the one engaging in this form
of deep communication.
We are all projected out into five levels of expression,each expression on a different dimension
of focus and intention,the SOURCE ENERGY is always the primary motioneer, the force that
moves you into the exact coordinance that you need to be in at that moment in your life stream
experience,spirit always is first,then the soul, then the vehicle,the physical body,the Source guides
the harmonics within our outer relative expression of physicality,we learn through our experiences
what aids and helps us in life,and what causes us grief, often it is not before we are visited by an
arising crisis that we decide to make major changes in our lives. We get many hints along the way
that perhaps we should think on this before leaping into something that could backfire on us, but
so often we fail to notice these little pointers in our life, and therefore we invite a crisis to visit us,
albeit unknowingly.
If we can find another listening soul to share with, we will then find our empty feelings beginning
to melt away, the other side of sharing though,which is just as important is that of the art of
listening,, being passively listened to while your share your heart felt feelings with someone is
totally enriching and life enhancing.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. To be listened to by another soul as we share our feelings and fears, validates our sense of self worth,and restores a sense of balance within a troubled mind.
