Sunday 2 August 2020

So Our Life Appears Relative-Who Are You ? S O L A R -W A Y .

We are all universal beings, life which is the only reality that exists within the universe,
yet as being that of universal beings,why then are we all located within this particular solar
system and all being resident upon an insignificant atom sized planet in some remote parsec
of this galaxy?
That is a very interesting question indeed,the answer is basically very simple, the reason why
we are all here,in this remote part of infinite space, is because the vast majority of the human
race,has not got the remotest idea of exactly who they really are, and that is the SOLE reason
we are all here upon this planet called Gaia, which is an intelligent sphere that provides a back
drop,provides a SERVICE to us ALL as posing as a university come school room planet, that
was placed here by infinite intelligence so that we could all engage in relative duality based
experiences, that would ultimately lead us into the expanded consciousness state of full and
complete SELF KNOWING, when that expanded awareness and consciousness state was
fully REALISED within us, we then could move out of this limited solar-system, and venture
way beyond its limited confines, unless of course we chose to remain here and aid our extended
family with a road map that would also guide them home,to full self realisation, the choice will
be yours when you understand its meaning.
The most fundamental and most profound question we will ever ask ourselves,in this life or
any other is this, Who are you? Yes you reading this now dear reader of this blog, Who are YOU
really? Do you actually KNOW? It may seem an easy question to answer,you could say well I
am ME! And therefore I know who I am! Yes we could all say I am Bob the builder,or Jane the
clothes model.but this only explains what you DO,it says ZERO about who and what you actually
are behind that FACADE of FORM that you present visibly to all onlookers, what lies beneath
your presented form dear reader, this is the question that haunts many souls,over many incarnations
and that is why we are all here,to fully establish our true and everlasting immortal divine Identity.
We become so attached to our physical vehicle bodies,that we fall into this fallacious belief that
this is all we actually are,this is a downright LIE,and this delusion has to be smashed, so we all
undergo very many incarnations here in 'this vale of tears' in order to wake up and see the truth
within us.
In part two will explore this further.        warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.
Thanks to all my new readers in Cambodia, bless you all.

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