Monday, 17 August 2020

Inner Guru Numen Is Truly Enfolded Divinity. I G N I T E D .

If only we all actually knew ourselves, if only we all understood what lies beneath this facade
of form,we call the physical body, if we indeed did know this, we would not have any need to
consult fortune tellers, of pay money to see a repackaged medium now calling themselves
star seeds and that they are now channelers,of extra-dimensional's and various star beings
from The Pleiades or Arcturian's,. If we all fully knew ourselves,we would then know and also
fully understand the fact that every human being upon this planet has his or her on GURU 
onboard, this inner teacher which flashes intuitive insights into your waking consciousness
is none other than your higher self,your very own immortal soul.We have absolutely zero need
to look outside of ourselves,for any kind of help whatsoever, unless of course we choose to.
Any thing any channeler could tell you,you could find out for yourself free of any charge,all
you need to do is to go within yourself, take up the regular practice of meditation or yoga,
listen to that inner quietude that dwells deeply within us all,and if you do that,then ask your
self questions, pose a question to yourself, let the question sink deeply into your inner
consciousness levels, and then sit quietly and await an answer. If we are patient and persevere
with this daily practice,we will begin to settle into a comfortable place within us, where we will
begin to see the real value of this inner insight.
None of us are ever really alone,and we are never NEVER EVER SEPARATED from the SOURCE of all LIFE, it may well FEEL as though we are, but in reality that is totally
Impossible ever to be apart or separated from the Source. These feelings arise within us because
of our deep ignorance into the reality of just who and whats more what we actually are, when we
know fully who and what we all really are, all these lonely feeling vanish like the mist does when
the early morning sun rises.
Infinite wisdom has placed within each one of us, a inner GURU a MASTER who dwelleth within
each one of us,very often we only know this inner still small voice is within us,is when we are in a
crisis, then when our back are up against the wall, and we do not know which way to turn, then
suddenly out of the blue, this reassuring inner small voice, whispers words of comfort and reassurance, which calm us down,and make us feel that we are indeed never really alone.
In part two will explore this further.          warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you, then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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