Saturday 1 August 2020

Inceptive Consciousness Has Risen In Sequenced Transmutation. 'I' C H R I S T , Part Two,

'We' all are what could be described as sons and daughters of density, rather than that of
destiny, which relates to our dense physical body,dense and lighted by our physical sun,
however,when we go within ourselves and take up the practice of meditation or yoga, we
begin a process which leads to the gradual raising up of our atomic physical nature,this
raising up process is called that of transmutation, where we gradually loose our dense
physical atoms,and therefore begin acquiring much less denser ethereal atoms which then
makes us into 'SUNS' and daughters of an inner-luminosity, in other words we become
enlightened, which literally means   to become Illumined by the spiritual SUN light that
rises up from within your inner matrix of being.
There are over seven billion 'I's on this planet, every human being is centred within a vortex
that holds the enfolded consciousness around a central point of reference which is basically
a singularity dot of physical expression. These dots (you and me) are all here for one reason
only. and that one reason is that of finding and revealing your absolute infinite true divine
inner nature,and this is obtained by undergoing vast amounts of experiences over very many
incarnations upon this school room planet.
We are all lighted beings at our central core, we are all parts of the ONE CENTRAL SUN 
there is a burning fire within us all, this central spiritual SUN would make our physical
sun,that promotes growth and gives us warmth,seem like a rather large roman candle by
comparison, The energy that pulsates this universe is a principal of infinite POWER this
principle is sometimes called the Christ principle, which is not related to any religion 
or doctrine, rather it is a universal energy SOURCE which emanates from the SOURCE.
What we choose to call this infinite intelligent Energy is totally irrelevant,we cam call in
cosmic consciousness, Christ consciousness, universal consciousness, enlightenment, the
fact is that there is an Absolute Infinite Energy Source that LIES EMBEDDED within
every human being upon this planet, all you have to do dear readers of this blog, is to
refocus YOUR GAZE from forever looking outward, to that of looking INWARD. If you
do that then you will eventually be born again into the inner LIGHT of the SUN that dwells
within the hearts of HUMANITY.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If This blog Resonates with you,please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.
I would like to say welcome and thank all those new readers of my blog in CAMBODIA
bless you all there,

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