Friday 31 July 2020

Inceptive Consciousness Has Risen In Sequenced Transmutation. I -C H R I S T .

The term Christ mentioned here in this blog has absolutely no reference whatsoever to any
religion or any particular individual, rather the term mentioned here is to an immutable 
principle of intelligent Energy, which can be called Christ consciousness, cosmic
consciousness, or simply universal consciousness, all these three terms,mean exactly the
same thing,which is an immutable principle of intelligent energy, that will automatically
arise within any seeker of inner knowledge and hidden wisdom, provided they make an
effort to know themselves as they truly are, look within themselves by practising either
yoga or meditation, as listen and pay attention to that intuitive insights  that well up from
deep within your psyche.We each one of us treading the holy ground which is our class room
school yard, called planet Earth, each one of us without doubt has the ability to establish
contact with this principle of intelligent energy, if we so choose to do so, and also make the
effort that is needed, without effort nothing happens,except decay,
Woven within the matrix of our 'I' Am consciousness field, is the way to make direct contact
with much deeper levels of consciousness, without many of us realising  is just how deep and
far does our 'I' AM consciousness penetrate into? In fact our aware consciousness traces back
into at least five other dimensional levels of expression. And access to these levels of awareness
is only denied us by our own ignorance of who and what we really are, there is no GOD, or any
Deity keeping you from knowing all there is to know, the only thing that stops any of us from
gaining spiritual enlightenment is the depths of our own ignorance.And the first step into gaining
inner knowledge and wisdom,it to make and accept the fact of your own ignorance, all the time
we claim to know anything, the door stays firmly shut, when we can acknowledge that we know
nothing, the door swings open for us.
As we gain access to deeper levels of consciousness, perception, and awareness, we are mindful
that awareness and consciousness are an ocean of infinite depth, as we dive into the depths of
expressed life, we are gradually becoming transformed and our vibration frequency is becoming
more rapid,this then leads onto what is termed as that of Sequenced Transmutation, where we
are literally being transmuted from the inside out,into lighted beings. This can be seen as a gradual
process which we call enlightenment.
In part two will explore this further.           warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please then pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


  1. Sequenced transmutation within humanity is really raising mankind out of his animal past and ways,by way of going within himself, and let go of the animal man,and embrace the spiritual mankind.

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