Wednesday 8 July 2020

When Intuition Speaks Dwell On Meaning ,W I S D O M Part Two.

Within each one of us lies a silent voice,this inner voice is our very own GURU or teacher
intuition arises from that part of us that we call conscience, it is really the voice of our higher
self the soul, as mentioned in yesterdays blog another name for this inner voice is that of a
Divine Monitor.
We so often look outside of ourselves for guidance or direction, not fully realising that we
have onboard within us, an intelligence that can give us all the direction and guidance we could
ever need. It seems that so many of us fail to recognise this inner guru, and that it only ever seems
to impact upon our consciousness when we are in a full blown crisis situation, then when we are
at our lowest ebb, suddenly we hear this 'still small voice' within us, which offers us reassurance
and words of comfort,then in a flash of intuition, we suddenly feel that there is light at the end
of the tunnel, and that things will get better for us. We feel somewhat grateful for this inner voice
but sadly for so many of us, it quickly gets forgotten as we get on with our lives.
Our higher self, this divine monitor, your immortal soul,reaches out to you when crisis comes a
calling, hoping to get your attention which will lead onto an inner enquiry as to who and what was this inner voice that helped me in my lowest point in my life? If we started asking the right
questions, we would open up a treasures chest that lies deep within us all. The word intuition
means literally 'to be taught from within' so the question we need to ask ourselves is this, who is
this inner teacher that saved my life in my last major crisis? If we all take the trouble to inquire
within us,as to the nature of this inner voice,we will then be upon the road that will lead you into
an expansion of your consciousness and perceptions, plus you will be much more reassured by
the now becoming much more familiar presence of this inner warm comforter,that is in truth your
higher self.
Wisdom is obtained by inner knowing and understanding the connections that you have with all
universal life, connected and interconnected with all of humanity, you begin to see and feel that
you are an important part in the infinite web of expressed life.
May you indeed dear reader dwell on the meaning of that still small inner voice within you, and then
you will know exactly who you are.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto family and friends.Thanks.

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