Saturday 11 July 2020

Humanities Earth Astral Realm Sequencing, H E A R 'S

Humanity as a total expression of I A M Consciousness and self awareness, is fully engaged
within what could be termed as that of Cycles of Reoccurring Expressions, or more commonly
known as that of reincarnation.The subtlety of this sequence of rebirth is so profound that the
vast majority of humanity know nothing about it at all, and those that have heard of it,often
dismiss this idea as nonsense or poppycock.India and other eastern countries do of course accept
rebirth as a matter of fact.
The big difficulty we seem to have in the west is that there is no formal education being taught
about the continuance of life,and the reality of the human soul,at any of our schools,colleges, and
universities, the only access we seem to have to information about such spiritual matters and
rebirth is often found on various websites on the internet.We in the west are taught every
imaginary skill that will help us get a job and pay taxes, but zero education as to who and what
you actually ARE! And this in the twenty first century is appalling, The reality of eternal life and
reincarnation have been known about for over the past twenty thousand years, so how far have we
really come, when our state controlled education programs teach absolutely zero zilch about who
the HELL we really are!, They will teach you history (excluding references to rebirth of course)
teach you mathematics, but exclude the harmonics and perfect sequencing of universal natural law
and no mention of an infinite Intelligence that organises this perfection.
The ancient Greeks knew this very well thousands of years ago, when that now famous wording
over the entrance of the temple of Apollo in Delphi where it said Man Know Thyself. Because if
we fully know ourselves, then we would not have to keep repeating this sequence of reincarnation,
The SOLE reason we are all here,along with some karmic liabilities added is to find and fully
understand and comprehend what and who we really are, and that is an immortal divine soul, so
our SOLE reason for being here is to find your SOUL! When you find out this inner truth about
your eternal divine heritage, you can then decide what you want to do next,simply put the universe
then becomes your oyster, ventures galore are opened up within your now expanded consciousness
perceptions and awareness. In part two will go deeper into the role of the astral realm, and mention
that we are all destined to move way beyond its border-less borders.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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