Tuesday 28 July 2020

What Is Life Dissected. ? W I L D Part Two.

Life unexpressed is Absolute silence and without form, substance or motion, the ALL of
LIFE here in this stateless state is that of PURE-SPIRIT untainted by form or motion.Only
when spirit/LIFE is expressed as we all encounter it within this relative temporal universe,
does life take on infinite forms of expression and motion becomes the engine that drives the
expressed life to experience tangibility at varying levels of density, where it can be expressed
as a solid,liquid,gas, or plasma,we as human beings are expressed  in very dense(low vibration)
physical biological machine. With a physical biological computer our brains, that can act as a
transducer to conduct electromagnetic energy via the brain into our central nervous system.
We mistakenly think that there is an opposite to the word LIFE,this is an erroneous idea which
is born aloft from our basic ignorance about something that has never occurred in the wholeness
of eternity,and that is DEATH, death is a total ILLUSION and therefore it has never existed any
where in this universe.There is NO OPPOSITE to LIFE,all life is Eternal and therefore has
NEVER had any beginning,nor will it EVER experience any ENDING, all life transcends ALPHA
and OMEGA, before this first was born, LIFE WAS,and after Omega LIFE IS.What we
mistakenly call death,is the point where we vacate our vehicle on this physical plane, because
that is ALL your physical body is,a VEHICLE a physical biological device you use to gain entry
into this dense low vibration field in order to gain experience here and feel the interplay of
matter and force flowing through a duality based positive and negative dimensional field.Science
itself informs us all that energy cannot ever be destroyed,all energy is eternal it can only be
converted,never destroyed, when we (DIE) exit our vehicles, we are all immediately converted
out of our physical vehicle, and then move seamlessly into our ASTRAL BODY, and then carry
on living as before in the astral realm,rather than the physical realm.We have all experienced this
exchange of dimensional habitats many many times, its just that most of us forget this,and some
begin to remember when they are moved by strong emotional disturbances.We are all LIFE and
are experiencing the experiences of being embodied and informed into material substance and
being conscious of the illusion of separateness which brings up feelings of being alone and being
unconnected to the whole. We need to see through these illusions, and recognise that it is totally
and absolutely ever to become disconnected from the SOURCE.It may feel like you are, but even
feelings can be deceptive.When we look within LIFE, LIFE rushes to to aid you will loving service.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
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