Monday 27 July 2020

What Is Life Dissected ? W I L D .

We are all totally surrounded and infused by what we call life, but what exactly is this thing
we all call life? In this coming blog will make an attempt to answer this most vital question.
The word LIFE for me spells out the fundamental components that make up the infinite
various expressions of this remarkable principle. Living-Intelligent-Focused- Energy=LIFE
These are the four basic ingredients that make up the composite wholeness of the expression
of which we all call life.
Here I would like to bring into the picture that all expressions of universal life,rotate within
a unified field of living fluid ethereal energy,and that this can be expressed in what could be
called a Mobius-strip,which is surface with only one side and only one boundary component
the Mobius strip has the mathematical property of being non-orientable. It demonstrates that
the reality of spirit and matter are one of the same thing.
The ancients held that the universe is created by life,and not the other way round.Spirit
is always the invisible component of expressed life, and matter or flesh and blood is always
the visible component of expressed life, both are the same thing expressed differently.
Existence is basically ONE THING, not any collection of things linked together,
fundamentally there is only ONE BEING. If it were possible to dissect all the infinite
expressions of the ONE ABSOLUTE LIFE we would find just ONE basic ingredient and
that one ingredient would be SPIRIT or consciousness if you prefer. If that expression were
physical then the spirit would have condensed into what we call matter flesh and bone.
To fully understand life, we need to move away from the illusions of beginnings and endings
these concepts exist only in our very limited understanding of reality,which is LIFE, in life
or reality all is forever eternal, we as human beings have never had or will ever have any
beginning or ending,beginnings and endings are fairy stories we tell ourselves because our
lack of understanding of the true nature of eternal life.The very name eternal life, should if
impinged deeply into our consciousness reveal our true everlasting nature.Death is also an
illusion,it does not,or ever has existed anywhere in this universe, or any other come to that.
There is no such a THING as being opposite to LIFE, LIFE has NO OPPOSITE, it is an
Eternal IMMUTABLE Absolute PRINCIPLE, as is the only THING that exists anywhere.
In part two will explore this further,and explain the illusion we call death.  Warmest regards. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you can you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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