Sunday 26 July 2020

Nothing Orchestrates Wisdom. N O W Part Two.

Wisdom arises from within self knowing,the inner nature of wisdom is that of being fully
inclusive and never divisive like that of knowledge.No-thing commonly called nothing by us
is the unified universal field that holds the entire relative universe within its infinite embrace.
This unified field is orchestrated by the wisdom of Infinite Absolute Intelligence,we as
human beings are all dwellers within this field, which exists solely within the eternal NOW.
Albert Einstein,wrote in one of his last letters this, Quote,"People like us,who believe in physics
know the distinction between past,present, and future is only a stubborn persistent illusion"
unquote, None of us here on this earth have ever left the ever present NOW, nor will we ever
leave it ever, even though in essence and also in Source we are all eternal being,we will never
leave the now, because now is the eternal registering upon your consciousness this very micro
second,the now penetrates the relative universe from is stationary motionlessness state of
Absoluteness and omnipresence, bringing the absolute reality into this motioning point which
is fixed within each one of our self aware I AM consciousness point of reference.The
simplicity of this is that we are all outwardly firmly fixed within this relative motion driven
evolutionary arc of evolution, and are each rotating through this stationary field of the now
this motion that we are all caught up in,is basically the river of life being expressed and being
informed (being given a physical body) so that we can experience the illusion of time and ageing
and to be able to finally recognise our true nature while being plastered over with layers of physical
flesh and bone.When we can still our thoughts,honour this present moment as sacred,see the
simplicity of this very moment,, see our consciousness participating in the play of form. As we
enter consciously into the eternal NOW, we are literally and factually entering into HOLY
GROUND, within this stateless state of the eternal now, we are resting in our eternal abode of
everlasting peace and harmonic silence,where even the melodic tone of the mighty OM cannot
venture into this abode of absolute peace and fathomless silence. Past and future are meaningless
terms and have no existence in absolute reality, it only "appears" to exist here because of our
ignorance and present state of awareness. Only the eternal NOW exists, and that never moves,or
ever will move,we are all moving,until we awaken into the stillness of BEING.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed  Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

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