Thursday 30 July 2020

Sequence Of Life Informed Divinity. S O L I D Part Two.

From out of the invisible infinite unified field of total intangibility, arises shapes and forms
that all occupy this infinite unified field, which we all call Space,'The ancient wisdom stated
that 'space is an entity' space is occupied by tangibility presenting itself as stars, planets,
comets, plus all the other life forms  that we are all familiar with like nature,and us as that
of humanity.
Humanity occupies the space'unified field; and through our occupation of this most vital space
we gather our experiences that eventually lead to our full self knowing of our immortal divine
soul, and once we have fully realised our true immortal divine nature, we will then if we choose
to,be able to shed our tangibility, our solid-looking dense vehicles, and merge back into the
invisible field where life flows within an ethereal fluid, where consciousness, and energy are
all enfolded within a sphere of living light.
We each as points of consciousness within our field of I AM self aware consciousness,all at
differing stages within the infinite vastness of the evolutionary pulsation that drives us all
towards a gradual ascension of its arc of rising vibrations.Some of us have no choice as to when
we incarnate, it is purely an automatic process,then when we each reach a particular point in our
ascension field, we then register with a higher frequency and this then enables us to chose when
we incarnate and to also choose our parents to be.
The hallmark and unwritten signature of life is basically two-fold, they are LOVE and
Service. The entire absolute infinite relative field which we call the Unified Field has but two
absolute objectives, and they are to be of SERVICE and to unconditionally LOVE each and
every reference point that exists within the field of expressed LIFE universally.
When we all aspire to full selflessness and abandon all our selfish self centred egotistic ways,we
will then have clarity of thoughts, actions, and deeds, so when we each arrive at our point of
awakening,where we have found our inner divine immortal soul, we can then leave this vale of
tears forever if we choose, move onto a place of perfect harmonic unity bliss and upmost joy,
or we can turn our back on that,and decide consciously to return back to this earth, and help our
brothers and sisters who are still lost and confused by it all. What will your choice dear reader of
this blog??
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,please then pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

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