Sunday 30 August 2020

Darkness Enfolding Light Implies Gaining Higher Truth. D E L I G H T . Part Two.

We are all reference points held in stasis by the intentional wave of the indwelling soul which
keeps us all in a harmonic coherence,until we are ready to let go of our form (physical body)
and return back to the intangible life from whence we all arose from. There are many forms of
light or luminosity, but these can all be narrowed down to just two aspects  we call light, one
is the light which arises from within this relative universe, and is emitted from suns and other
relative materials, then there is absolute luminosity that arises solely from within SPIRIT or
that of LIFE, this inner luminosity totally transcends this relative universe, and requires
We human beings who are all outwardly tangible and all inwardly intangible, outwardly we
are all influenced by the shadow of this inner luminosity, relative light that emerges from our
sun and that manufactured by us to light up our homes at night, is in truth a pale shadow of the
inner spirit self illuminated  light that shines within our inner core, this inner core is the home
of exquisite DELIGHT.
Absolute Perfection is what we all are within the core of our being, here at the very core of
our being exists a light of absolute PURITY, a MAGNIFICENCE that no mortal eye could
behold and LIVE. This LIGHT is something that science cannot as yet understand of even
comprehend, because this light transcends the spectrum which breaks down white light into
its seven rainbow colours, the light of Spirit CANNOT EVER BE POLLUTED by others
shadow colours, it stands ALONE in absolute WHITE PURITY. 
The seven colours of the relative spectrum are all absorbed within us in our outer tangible
physical forms,we absorb then all and they keep us healthy and fit.The darkness that enfolds
us all here on Earth allows us to distinguish the polarities and the differences between the two
it is through this interplay of polarities that we experience the experiences we all need in order
to fully know and understand just who and what we really are.
If we choose to look within ourselves,we will then be heading into the direction where our
ultimate delight exists, because we will gain access to higher truth which in turn will reflect
directly into your inner knowing of your immortal inner nature.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you then please pass it onto your family and friends.Thanks.

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