Saturday 15 August 2020

Force Of Hierarchy Absolute Thought. F O H A T Part Two.

The force of FOHAT has seven 'sons'  which are motion,sound,heat,light,cohesion,electricity,
and magnetism, a seven fold expression of that which could be described as that of dynamic
energy of Cosmic Ideation.
All of the seven fold aspects  of the cosmic force of fohat interplay's within us all on a daily
basis, we are all constantly in motion,hearing sounds,feeling heat,seeing the light,cohering
within our range of family and friends, constantly using electricity, and electromagnetism
enfolds our entire body within a electromagnetic field shaped like a double torus.
Fohat is the underlying Divine thought principle that makes up the entire unified field which
manifests within this relative universe, the principle of thought which arises from within
stillness is one of the most powerful forces in this universe.
Being ever mindful that this entire relative universe is but the product of the Absolute thought
Our physical solar sun is also an aspect of the expression of Fohat.The seven rays of the light
spectrum that emanate from our sun,are also related to the seven sons of Fohat, this entire
relative universe runs within a multiple septet of sequences.
The very ancient adage of 'Thoughts are things' is very real, and manifest around us daily, what
we often fail to realise is that every thought we think activates a corresponding reaction, so if
we are thinking negative destructive thoughts, they will surely impact upon us soon. The same
goes for positive uplifting thoughts as well. The big difference here on Earth and within this
physical body, is that every thought take a while to materialise within our present state
consciousness, it can take hours, or days, or even longer before that pattern of thoughts that
issued out of your being impacts upon you, and therefore we are all grossly deceived by this
delayed reaction. We kid ourselves that we have gotten away with our hateful thoughts and
negativity, we kid ourselves that we can hid behind our masks of persona, but we cannot hide
from what belongs to you,stays with you, and that includes every thought you have ever had!
In the astral plane it is totally different from here,every thought you have there instantly
materialises without a second between thought and its showing, you cannot lie there because
your aura is plainly seen by everyone there, and lie will immediately show up on your aura
and those watching you will know full well that you are lying, there is no escape there, but
here we fool ourselves that we can hide behind masks. Fohat is the primordial thought that we
can all lock onto,if we go within ourselves,and enter into the silence, there is no deception in
the silence.only the soundless sound of the OM which calls us all home.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Within the inner silent spheres that dwell within each soul there echo's a silent beacon that calls every soul to head homewards the silent beacon is the almighty OM.
