Wednesday 12 August 2020

All Singularities Consciousness Enfolds Numinosities Toroidal Sequencing. A S C E N T S Part 2.

In part one of this blog titled ASCENTS I mentioned that in truth none of 'us' have ever left
EDEN, 'we' are all still there in perfect bliss and silent stillness. What has left is the 'idea of
having motion' to explore the feeling of motion and to gather experience of becoming  a
tangible being, gaining substance,solidity, becoming dense and darkened by density and
matter. 'WE ALL' chose to forget that 'we' were Absolute  and Infinite Power and Intelligence
and BEING the ALL of ALL that IS Absolute ONE without any OTHER.
It is only our expression that appears to move, and motion through expressed life experiencing
itself as a mortal being, a human being. Our inner Being which is SPIRIT has never left HOME
It has no need to,all it needs is the IDEA,the THOUGHT and then project that thought  wave
into the space you have created by your WILL then this space you have created,you then
occupy it with your thought form presence,which in our case is our physical bodies, the vehicle
for the soul to occupy.
'WE' are all anchored firmly within the Absolute embrace of the Absolute, in which 'WE' all
ARE!  Forever still  within the bliss of BEING, which as mentioned is yesterdays blog equates
directly with that of SPIRIT, which never moves,it has no need of motion, what moves is the
THOUGHT FORM arising within the Absolute Mind, this then becomes what we all call LIFE
LIFE is always RELATIVE,whereas SPIRIT is always ABSOLUTE. Outwardly we are all Life
and therefore have motion, back of all that motion,lies stillness,which is spirit. What separates
the Absolute from the relative motioning universe, is just a wafer thin veil which we call the
unified field, which is a infinite field of infinite possibilities awaiting to become realised.This
unified field is like the surface of an infinite ocean of endless possibilities, below this ocean
lies the Absolute motionless void  of all that IS,  on the surface lies the same phenomena that
we experience here on earth within our rivers and oceans, that is surface tension, between the
beginning of the Absolute and that of relativity lies what I term as the borderland between two
fields one of motion,and the other stillness, at the borderlands all the universal laws that we know
vanish and do not operate here in the in between space-less space.Within this space-less space
wondrous things can happen to us, instant healing, cosmic consciousness,rapid expansions of
awareness and perceptions abide here in this WHOLLY PLACE, in part three will explain how
we can each pierce this surface tension of the unified field, and find our true and lasting identity.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@ any feedback welcomed, facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Touching the hem of the garment, equates directly to the surface tension that is the infinite unified field, when we go into the inner silence,we can touch this holy garment.
