Saturday 29 August 2020

Darkness Enfolding Light Implies Gaining Higher Truth. D E L I G H T .

What if darkness was just light enfolded within  its matrix, and that light was just darkness
expressing itself? Do we actually need eyes to see light? What then about dreaming? We can
see bright sun shine in a dream with our eyes firmly closed, what are we then seeing with
if our eyes are closed shut? Perhaps our consciousness can picture any image it focuses on
whether it is darkened or lite.
Our delight is being tangible beings, and therefore we can feel,touch, taste, see, hear, smell,
all the very things we all take for granted as tangible physical human, but our completely
denied if you are incorporeal and just intangible intelligent living energy, even invisible to
us all here.
The reason we are all here is because we take absolute delight in experiencing these things
that we call our senses, the trouble is though, most of us have forgotten that we all chose to
become embodied here upon planet Earth long long ago, countless life times ago actually.
And because most of us have all forgotten the pact we made to experience tangible life,we
then feel pain and discomfort with our lot, and moan and groan about our lives, not even
remembering that it was us who decided to come here in the first place, we could have easily
stayed within intangible bliss,if we so desired to do so, as many of other souls so did choose
to stay where they were.
Light and darkness are both qualities that exist solely within the context of duality, both are the
same thing just being seen from one or other end of the spectrum, one end is light the other end
we call darkness,in reality they are the same itself is SELF Luminous, life glows within
its own vibratory essence, it is not the light that we all see here on Earth, the glow that emanates
from within life is absolute in nature,and completely different from what we all perceive as that
of dual based light and darkness.
When we can look beyond the choking confines of relativity and its duality based light and darkness
we begin to enter the domain of higher truth, where consciousness reigns supreme, here we leave
behind the outer physical senses, and thereby enter into the real of super-normal sense detection
which consciousness affords us a wide umbrella to see and feel things within the mind and emotions
In part two will look deeper into this.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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