Friday 21 August 2020

Self Channelling Reveals Each Entities Numinosity. S C R E E N ..

We all need to learn how to channel ourselves, therefore cancelling out the need to go seeking
for outside help,or maybe to some so called channeler who may not be genuine or even self
deluded.There are very many well meaning self deluded souls out there, best to try and learn to
trust your own inner guru,you higher self the soul.We each have this faculty on board,this is
why I am doing another blog on this subject as I feel it is of upmost importance that we all know
exactly what we all have access to within ourselves, and I am hoping that those of you reading
this will learn to try this method out, by turning your gaze inwards and beginning to establish a
conscious contact with you very own inner GURU.
The last word in this blogs title is numinosity, this word spells out what lies within us all,it can
mean a 'supernatural presence'(awe inspiring) Mysterium Tremendum mystery. to become
'spiritually elevated', from the Latin word for bowing the head, to nod in respect.
We are all so much more than we can ever imagine, many of us sell ourselves short, and often
feel unworthy and therefore we devalue ourselves, and remain completely unaware of our most
noble Divine heritage, We are all eternal immortal souls, undergoing a human relative experience
and in the transition from our high spiritual state to become human vehicles,we have all
therefore forgotten just who we really are.It is time for us all to wake up,and realise just who you
really are. You are NOT the physical body, that is just a biological vehicle, just like the car you
drive to work in is a mechanical vehicle, made out of pressed tin and rubber, you are just made
out of flesh and bone a vehicle that is all you are. Humanity is just a collection of 7.7 billion
vehicles nothing more than that.We give a great deal of importance to our vehicles, we need
always be very mindful that the vehicle is NOT WHO YOU ARE!!!!! You vehicle in NOT
IMMORTAL, it will rot and decay and return back to the Earth from whence it came, but YOU
the inner YOU reading this blog now, will NEVER ROT or EVER DECAY because we are
all immortal divine souls.
If we can all learn to deeply trust our inner self, then we can look within us, for within lies
infinite knowledge and wisdom,all we have to do is shift our gaze from outwards into in-wards
then we can all learn to become our own self channellers, and build up a trust within ourselves
with our higher selves.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realisation.
If This blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

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